How to Get Police Clearance
from countries
Outside Canada?


Obtaining a police clearance from countries outside Canada can be very stressful.

It requires time, effort and money.

Temporary Residents in Canada who are applying for Permanent Residency need to submit a Police Clearance from the country or countries where they lived for more than six (6) months. Oftentimes, they are given thirty (30) days to submit the required document.

Most people find it difficult, time-consuming, and expensive to get a police clearance from abroad. One needs to spend time learning about the process, pay for two-way international courier services and, sometimes, appoint a representative. Some countries require fingerprints taken by an RCMP accredited fingerprinting agency.

It is advisable to obtain the services of a professional who has up-to-date knowledge of the process. While it seems more expensive than doing-it-yourself, consider your time savings. Depending on the country where you need a police certificate, costs may even be lower if your application is batched for international courier with other applications.

Choose a professional with a good reputation. However, be cautious about client reviews and ratings posted on their website. It is possible that not all ratings and reviews are made by actual clients.

What kind of fingerprint do I need to submit? Where can I do it?

Other countries will also ask the applicant other documents like application forms, request letters, copies of proof of residency, etc.

JCA Law Office offers you a peace of mind. We assist clients with police clearances from the Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Lebanon, Qatar, and Macau to name a few. Clients from all over Canada are welcome. Contact us for more information at 1-855-522-5290 or visit our website at